Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2013, Vol 2013, Issue 93


The main role in European integration process was played by prominent European politicianscalled „Fathers of Europe” or „Builders of European Unity”. The federalistspredominated among them. They dreamed of common and strong European state similar tothe United States. The prime minister of Great Britain – Winston Churchill in his referenceto mutual tradition of European nations – inspired the possibility of creating the UnitedEurope in Zurich on 19-th Sept. 1946. This project was supported by Robert Schuman,Konrad Adenauer, Paul Henri Spaak, Altiero Spinelli, and Alicide De Gasperi.Jean Monnet proposed a sector method when perceiving ineffectiveness of the originalproject. For this reason he suggested the concept of small steps in constructing Europeanstructure oriented toward tightening interstate links. This way, the first stage of this conceptwas implemented through linking French and German sectors of coal and steel. Thisproposal was supported by French Minister of Foreign Affairs – R. Schuman on 9 May1951 and named by his surname.The creation of federal structure of Europe was the ambition of „Fathers of Europe”.However, strong reluctance of some states and politicians caused integration mainly in thearea of economy. The dynamic political and economic integration occurred after appointingEuropean Union in 1992 based upon federalism.At present the European Union is neither federation nor confederation, because eachstate possesses its own sovereignty and freedom in the sphere of international relations. Inessence, the European Union has an institutionalized form of cooperation between states.Consequently, the European Union can be understood both as international organizationand a specific union of states.The success of „Fathers of Europe” is the United Europe, which engulfs the majorityof European states and tends to further enlargement. However, the progress in integrationof European Union is significant, the process of limiting the role of national states in favorof European Commonwealth is yet a distant project.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Maksimiec


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Stanisław Maksimiec (2013). „FATHERS OF EUROPE” UNITING IDEAS IN INTEGRATION PRACTICE. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, 2013(93), 72-113. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-67044