Features of the mental status of patients with community-acquired pneumonia, combined with a chronic pathology of the hepatobiliary system of non-viral genesis

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1


The aim was to study the characteristics of mental status of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), combined with a chronic pathology of the hepatobiliary system of non-viral genesis. We observed 165 patients with CAP in the age of 25-57 years. All patients were divided into two representative groups: I group (68 patients) – CAP was comorbid with hepatic steatosis (HS), II group (96 patients) with absence of chronic liver disease. To evaluate the psychological profile of patients’ personality we used a standardized multivariate method of personality research and to evaluate the level of anxiety and depression the scale of Spielberger-Hanin test and Beck’s questionnaire were used. Results of the study revealed that 66.2% of patients with CAP, comorbid with HS, declared the formation of psycho-emotional disorders in the form of neurotic reactions to the disease with prevalence of hypochondria, depression, hysterical manifestations with high psychasthenia, trait anxiety and somatic reactions with prevalence of anxiety and emotional instability, lots of somatic complaints, fixation on their own condition with formation of distinctive thinking mode and behavior by the type of "flight into disease". After completion of the standard treatment of patients with CAP, combined with HS, 42,7% of patients had psycho-emotional disorders, which were moderately expressed. Thus, in the complex of treatment and rehabilitative measures in patients with CAP, combined with HS some characteristics of the psychological profile, in the form of psycho-neurotic reaction to the disease should be considered to take optimal corrective actions.

Authors and Affiliations

R. V. Razumnyi, I. D. Spirina


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How To Cite

R. V. Razumnyi, I. D. Spirina (2017). Features of the mental status of patients with community-acquired pneumonia, combined with a chronic pathology of the hepatobiliary system of non-viral genesis. Медичні перспективи, 22(1), 68-75. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-190915