Feeling Visuality. Ideas of the Congenitally Blind People on the Sense of Sight and the Ability to See
Journal Title: Etnografia. Praktyki. Teorie. Doświadczenia / Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
The aim of this article is to present the way congenitally blind individuals understand and imagine the functioning of sight and its general value. The Author discusses the category of visual culture, values and meanings attributed to visual cognition, as well as selected theories on blindness that significantly affect the worldview of the research participants. The empirical base of this presentation is ethnographic research on the practices and strategies of blind individuals, conducted in 2011–2017.
Authors and Affiliations
Kamil Pietrowiak Translated from Polish by Ewa Pater-Podgórna
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