Figurative and Stylistic Elements Reconstruction of Newspaper Synoptic Texts (Based on the English, German, Polish and Ukrainian Languages)
Journal Title: НАУКОВИЙ ЧАСОПИС НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПЕДАГОГІЧНОГО УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ ІМЕНІ М.П. ДРАГОМАНОВА. Серія 9. Сучасні тенденції розвитку мов - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue
The article discovered the new methodological possibility of reconstruction, which in cognitive linguistics began to be applied to other, broader tasks associated with the need to restore structures of consciousness, which include newspaper synoptic texts (hereinafter – NST) as mental formations. Active decoding of innersemantic elements of NST revealed stylistic devices based on the interaction of 1) the vocabulary and contextual meanings (metaphor, metonymy, irony), 2) primary and derivative meanings (zeugma, pun), 3) the logical and emotional meanings (epithet, oxymoron), 4) logical and nominative meanings (antonomasia), as well as the one 5) that provide additional characteristics of the object of description (hyperbole, comparison). It was determined that the primary means of NST based on the interaction of vocabulary and contextual meanings is metaphor and during the process of reconstruction it became possible to divide it into four types: nominative, figured, cognitive and generalized. Three models of determined analogical transformation from the name of the weather phenomena to the result of the name, from the name of action to the action object name, from the name of the piece of weather phenomena to the name of a weather phenomena as well as two directions of semantic reconsideration of the phenomena associated with weather forecasting which are the violation of the ritual and habits of everyday life and the representation of the obscurity of the attitude to the weather phenomena were defined. The article proves that less productive NST images in the studied languages are those that are based on the interaction of basic and derivative meanings and logical and emotional meanings. Among the most common means of providing additional characteristics to description of hyperbole is revealed which aim is to express exaggerated attitude to weather forecast scenario and comparison to appeal to the readers’ experience and memory, which helps them to identify the information provided by the author.
Authors and Affiliations
O. M. Kolomiiets
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