Filip Schmidt, Para, mieszkanie, małżeństwo. Dynamika związków intymnych na tle przemian historycznych i współczesnych dyskusji o indywidualizacji, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2015. Jak się kochają w klasie średniej?
Journal Title: Przegląd Socjologiczny - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 2
Filip Schmidt in his book Couple, living together, marriage. Dynamics of intimate relationships at the background of historical and contemporary discussions on individualisation raises a subject which remains essential from the point of view of such various branches of sociology as sociology of family, sociology of intimacy but also sociology of class. A review essay is aimed at pointing out essential analytical omissions in Filip Schmidt’s book. An author of the review claims that Filip in his work pertains to experiences of representatives of middle class; however, he does not problematize this aspect of interviewees’ identity by not taking into consideration such aspects of a specific life cycles, social class belongings, structure of capitals, sets of dispositions characteristic for a social class or a structure of aspirations. Meanwhile the author of the review claims that the social class belonging of the partners in intimate relationships meaningfully influences on the way such relationships function. Omission of this observation leads to treating certain characteristics as universal from the whole class structure.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Dębska
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Odpowiedź Filipa Schmidta na recenzję Katarzyny Dębskiej
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