Journal Title: Стратегія економічного розвитку України - Year 2018, Vol 43, Issue
Employers in recruitment of employees prefer individuals who have practical experience. Youth practical experience to very difficult, including for practice and internship in enterprises during study. Educational institutions (especially higher education) are faced with the problems of students to practice or training. Enterprises are not willing to provide these services due to the lack of interest in providing such services and the unsettled law in relation to payroll individuals who undergo industrial training or internship, withholding and transfer of taxes in the budget, inclusion in the work book records of the training practices, all annual leave, reporting the amount of interest accrued and withheld taxes accrued income students and students who complete internships. It is therefore necessary to raise the issue at the state level on amendments to legislative acts and to develop measures which will interest the enterprises in the provision of practical assistance to students and students to gain experience and undergo training at the enterprises. It is necessary to put also the question of financial reimbursement to companies, organizations and institutions that are directly involved in the training of specialists at the expense of own production, technological and administrative capacities. In addition, you must have a clear interpretation of the legal requirements of employment of persons to the apprenticeship and industrial training. These changes may increase the interest of enterprises in the training of interns. The issues of creation of workplaces for students of higher educational institutions and pupils of vocational schools during the practical training, remuneration, taxation and the like. Examples of the unsettled law regarding the taxation of gross wages of trainees a unified social contribution. The necessity of amending the Tax Code of Ukraine and Law of Ukraine «On collection and accounting of single contribution for obligatory state social insurance» regarding the taxation of wages of trainees.
Authors and Affiliations
Надія Кругла, Людмила Буркова
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