Fire Tests and Classification of Vertical, Glazed Elements of Defined Fire Resistance Class
Journal Title: Safety & Fire Technology - Year 2016, Vol 42, Issue 42
Aim: Presentation of technical know-how associated with principles of fire resistance testing and classification of vertical glazed elements. Discussion on the impact of the existing evaluation rules of fire resistance of vertical glazed elements on the form of fire resistance classification. Introduction: Vertical non-loadbearing glazed fire barriers of specified fire resistance class are an inherent element of virtually every modern building. Available technical solutions, as well as the requirements of Polish law for this type of structures have been discussed in the article - Vertical, glazed systems of defined fire resistance class Part 1: Requirements and technical solutions (in the current issue of the Quarterly – editorial note). Part 2 presents the methodology of testing of fire resistance of curtain walls, partition walls and fire doors. This paper also describes formal aspects of fire resistance classification for defined construction products with proper scope of application under the provisions of the standards. This article also presents a number of conclusions drawn from the analysis of fire resistance tests of this type of elements conducted in recent years by the Fire Research Department of Building Research Institute. Methodology: The paper presents results of the analysis of literature connected with the subject as well as analysis of fire resistance and smoke control tests of glazed curtain walls, partition walls and doorsets, conducted in accordance with European testing standards (EN 1363-1, EN1363-2, EN 1364-1, EN 1364-3, EN 1634-1, EN 1634-3) in the Fire Research Department of Building Research Institute. Conclusions: The discussed fire testing and classification methodology of vertical, non –loadbearing, glazed elements nowadays is precisely defined, and what is equally important, identical in each of the Member States of EU. Such coherence of evaluation rules at all levels provides a possibility of effective comparisons of products for the Investors. However specificity of fire resistance tests causes, , that any change in the structure of elements or even in the fixing method can have a significant impact on the fire resistance.
Authors and Affiliations
mgr inż. Jacek Kinowski, dr inż. Paweł Sulik, mgr inż. Bartłomiej Sędłak
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