Формулювання комунікату в українському політичному дискурсі: невміння чи свідоме маніпулювання?
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue
This article analyses the way Ukrainian politicians express themselves, which is different from the general principles of rhetoric: comments often contain verbal aggression towards the opponent. By analyzing Ukrainian political discourse I managed to track the imprudence fond in the formulation of comments for different reasons – an inability to report or inability to control emotions, as well as a direct and deliberate strategy of applying all possible means of modeling verbal aggression, especially the use of invectives. The postulates of the author are confi rmed by illustrative material – examples of statements made by Ukrainian politicians from different parties and groups, selected from the transcripts of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) from the year 2013.
Authors and Affiliations
Switłana Romaniuk
Вивчаймо українську без кордонів і заборон! Switłana Romaniuk, Marta Saniewska, Українською без табу. Podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego. Poziom zaawansowany wyższy, Warszawa 2017, 208 s
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