Фотосинтетична продуктивність злаково-бобових травостоїв залежно від складу травосумішок та удобрення / Photosynthetic productivity of cereal-legume grassesdepending on composition of grass mixes and fertilizer
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
Presented the results of researches, that conducted in lowland meadows on the basis of the Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region NAAN, the quantitative value of pure productivity of photosynthesis of cereal-legume grasses is determined, depending on the composition of grass mix and fertilizer. It was found out that the highest pure productivity of photosynthesis of meadow grasses in cereal-legume grasses was observed in the first slope for phosphorus-potassium fertilizer – 2,28–4,74 g of dry mass per 1 m2 per day. It was established that the highest indices of pure productivity of photosynthesis were observed on the grass seeded with a mixture of alfalfa seedlings and cucumber white–in the first slope for phosphorus-potassiumfertilizer, this indicator was 2,57 grams of dry mass by 1 m2 per day. The use of multi component mixtures with the combination of complementary, uniform species, allows even without mineral fertilizer to achieve a net productivity of photosynthesis at 2,44 g of dry mass by 1 m2 per day and to extend the optimal timing of hay picking and thereby create favorable conditions for a more rational. All this is of paramount importance in the conditions of a modern lack of resource and technical providing of economy, as well as to organize a longer period of receipt of the plant mass for feeding it’s animals. It is proved that the positive effect on the growth of the leaf surface of meadow perennial grasses was the introduction of complete mineral fertilizers along with the trace elements. Wuxal Combi B. It was revealed that the most laced grasses were in multicomponent grass mix, where six types of grasses complement each other and more fully used agrobiological potential of meadow lands.
Authors and Affiliations
I. Trihuba
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