From neo-thomism to modernism: G. Kostelnyk art in the light modern research
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5
The article attempted to answer the question what is the reason of conflicting assessments of the philosophical ideas of G. Kostelnyk by researchers and find out a philosophical context of his work. The study found that in the history of the study of the creative heritage of G. Kostelnyk some of the most striking positions traditionally have been developed in defining the context of his philosophical views. According to the first Kostelnyk is considered to be a neotomist (M. Oleksyuk, Mirchuk,) which refers to the achievements of positivism (Mirchuk), according to the second – a representative of the Ukrainian branch of Lvov-Warsaw School (S. Ivanyk), according to the third – modernist (O.A. Hirnyk). In the first case Oleksyuk determinant was the thesis that neothomism was considered the official philosophy of the Catholic Church. Common to Oleksyuk and Mirchuk was the recognition of Kostelnyk desire to combine faith and science. However, adapting of the modern Catholic teaching to the science was characteristic for the representatives of the Catholic modernism, and therefore is not conclusive evidence of the recognition of the philosophical ideas of thinker as neothomistic. In the second case, the use of K. Twardowski method in one of Kostelnyk papers shows his scientific interest to logic as thinking grammar necessary for conducting of scientific debate. The most argued is the position of O.A. Hirnyk. He defines Kostelnyk views as modernist. However, he is not making conclusions whose ideas influenced to the philosophical thought of the thinker. The preliminary analysis of Kostelnyk creativity suggests that his views were formed under the influence of Henri Bergson. As Bergson works as Catholic Modernist were in the index of prohibited works Kostelnyk could not directly refer to the philosopher views. And Kostelnyk does not follow all views of Bergson. For the Ukrainian thinker philosophy of Bergson – is a victory of idealism over materialism, while Bergson himself believed that his philosophy overcomes both idealism and materialism. Kostelnyk interest to scientific discoveries testifies the desire to find arguments in favor of religion. Elements of positivism that can be found in the works of thinker belonging to an indirect the first and the second formations of philosophy of Bergson. In general G. Kostelnyk was a liberal Catholic. His philosophy was a religious apology of experience, intuitionism, vitalism, idealism, criticism of materialism, based on contemporary physics and biology.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Sheremeta
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