Funcţii textual-discursive ale elipsei

Journal Title: Buletin Științific, seria A, Fascicula Filologie - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue


This article is an attempt to highlight those functions which the textual ellipsis updates in the text-discourse. When dealing with the thematic organization of the statement in the theme/ rheme, the ellipsis of the theme has an ellipsis of the given information as a result; consequently,importance is given to the new information,which influences the thematic progression. The incompleteness of the macro-syntactical structures leads to an interpenetration of the two types of operations, those of a grammatical nature and the inferential operations, insomuch as the interpretations of the verbal sequences, within and without the statement, require a reference to extratextual information, either situational or encyclopedic knowledge. Identifying the referents within an ellipsis depends on both the co-textual and the contextual space. On a semantic-referential level, by means of indirect reference phenomena and referential slide, the ellipsis leads to an effect of referential ambiguation.

Authors and Affiliations

Iulia Mihaela Tămaș


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How To Cite

Iulia Mihaela Tămaș (2017). Funcţii textual-discursive ale elipsei. Buletin Științific, seria A, Fascicula Filologie, 0(), 101-109.