Journal Title: Стратегія економічного розвитку України - Year 2018, Vol 43, Issue
The market economic system works in such a way that economic phenomena such as bankruptcy, liquidation and unprofitability of a certain enterprises` number that constantly occur in it. This happens despite the fact that enterprises independently determine the vector of their development, financial and economic policy, the level of production and social sphere, the totality of clients and the vision of market positioning, and finally some things like these ones. Such a situation in the activity of enterprises, when there are economic problems of different levels and depth. It is intended to demand some decisions of the management of these enterprises to reevaluate in the process of management formation and set implementation of production and business operations on it. The article defines the objective stages of the enterprise`s competitive development, as well as the objective and subjective influence on the process of its adaptation to changes in the external and internal environments. The features and stages of the innovation-adaptation process as a system of enterprise development are identified. The result of the research is the development of a system for coordinating the adaptation and innovation processes.
Authors and Affiliations
Анатолій Турило, Наталя Шура, Сергій Ртищев
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