Genotype reaction and stability of crop production of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in years of testing


Aim. Plants due to the hard attachment to the place of life, the lack of a system of internal thermoregulation, essentially depend on the variety of environmental limits. The general adaptability of a specific sample in plants plays a predominant role in determining the actual yield compared with its genetic potential. Methods. The most universal approach for determining this indicator is the use of the widely used method for evaluating stability parameters by Eberhart and Russell, which uses an integrated assessment of the environmental yield taking into account the interaction of "genotype × environment". The yield of 13 varieties of chickpea was estimated and compared by these parameters for 14 seasons. Results. The results of the two-factor dispersion analysis showed unequivocally high reliable impact of the conditions of the years of the test on the difference in yield. Conclusions. In the case of a favorable weather forecast, it is desirable to recommend promising varieties for better conditions, and in anticipation of strong stress limits, cultivars that exhibit greater yield under worse conditions will be in a more favorable position. Similar recommendations also apply to farms with different levels of agrotechnology. Keywords: reaction of varieties, productivity, stability, chickpea.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Бушулян, А. Ф. Стельмах, Н. П. Ламарі, В. І. Файт


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How To Cite

О. В. Бушулян, А. Ф. Стельмах, Н. П. Ламарі, В. І. Файт (2018). Genotype reaction and stability of crop production of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in years of testing. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 35-39.