Gheorghe Dumitroaia (23 April 1949 – 6 April 2016)
Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2016, Vol 39, Issue 1
Gheorghe Dumitroaia (23 April 1949 – 6 April 2016)
Authors and Affiliations
Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
Gheorghe Dumitroaia (23 April 1949 – 6 April 2016)
Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
Considerații privind vesela de sticlă descoperită în cimitirele din satele Nemțișor și Târzia (jud. Neamț) [Considerations regarding the glassware discovered in the barrow cemeteries of Nemțisor and Târzia villages (Neamț county)]
This short contribution presents a number of 28 fragments of glass discovered in the barrow cemeteries at the Nemțișor and Târzia villages (Neamț County). As part of the funerary inventory in cremation burials these vess...
Considerații geografice privind geneza orașului medieval în Moldova Centrală [Some geographic remarks regarding the emergence of the medieval towns in Central Moldavia]
The emergence and evolution of medieval towns and cities in the central region of Moldavia has its peculiarities, which are mainly due to location, acces to resources and ease of communication. All of these may be explai...
Monede descoperite în atelierele meșteșugărești din Târgul Romanului (punctul „La Bibliotecă”) (Coins uncovered in the craftmen’s workshops of old Roman market-town. The site of “the Public Library”)
In 2012-2013, during the archaeological research conducted in the city of Roman (Neamţ County), at the “at the Library” point, 16 coins were discovered in two closed complexes (two workshops – A.1 and A.2). The coins fou...
Observații antropologice în legătură cu complexul monahal de la Dumbrăveni, jud. Constanța
The authors present their historical and anthropological observations concerning bone fragments belonging to a person buried in the 4th century AD in the monastical rupestral complex in Dumbraveni, Constanta county, in D...