Gilles Emery, Teologia trynitarna świętego Tomasza z Akwinu, tłum. M. Romanek, Dominikańska Biblioteka Teologii, Fundacja Dominikańskie Studium Filozofii i Teologii, Kraków 2013, ss. 536.
Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 28, Issue
Gilles Emery, Teologia trynitarna świętego Tomasza z Akwinu, tłum. M. Romanek, Dominikańska Biblioteka Teologii, Fundacja Dominikańskie Studium Filozofii i Teologii, Kraków 2013, ss. 536.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogusław Kochaniewicz
Umowa powierzenia parafii instytutowi zakonnemu: uwagi ogólne
This article presents the general and theoretical problem concerning the agreement (conventio) entrusting a parish to a clerical religious institute or to a clerical society of apostolic life (canon 520 of the 1983 Code...
Mistyka czy depresja? Noc ciemna św. Jana od Krzyża a noc psyche
The dark night of the soul described by St. John of the Cross and depression are two different realities, but they can penetrate each other and occur at the same time. These two phenomena, although different, share many...
Siedem pieśni religijnych Ottona Mieczysława Żukowskiego (1867–1942) w kontekście zagadnień semantycznych i muzycznych
In the present article the author discusses seven religious songs by the little-known Polish composer, Otton Mieczysław Żukowski (1867˗1942). The songs are: Ojcze nasz (Our Father) op. 47, Panie do Ciebie wołam (Lord, un...
Indian Music to Celebrate Christmas in Moxo Jesuit Reductions, Bolivia
The subject of Indian music and Indian influence on baroque music from the former Jesuit Reductions in South America needs new studies, and what has been said on this matter up to now by musicologists and ethnomusicologi...
Ocalenie jakby przez ogień (1 Kor 3,15). Czyściec z perspektywy Biblii i w refleksji teologicznej
Apart from the two final states after death, heaven and hell, there is a third transitional state called “purgatory”. The Church believes in it, though this term does not occur in the Bible. The aim of this paper is t...