„Głosowanie przyjacielsko-sąsiedzkie”: Przyczynek do badań w kontekście polskim
Journal Title: Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne. Seria Nowa - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 1
“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates (even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of democracies. In this short article I focus on three constituencies to analyze it in the context of the Polish Senate election held in 2011. These analyses demonstrate a strong effect of “localness” of the candidates, despite the fact that the election was held in single-member districts, a system theoretically unfavorable to “friends- -and-neighbors voting”. At the same time, the above effect is much less pronounced in case of the candidates running on behalf of the two largest political parties. This suggests that some more general aspects of party competition at the national level may contribute to the suppression of the effect of the candidates’ personal traits, including their local roots, on their electoral success.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Górecki
Recenzja książki Christophera H. Achena i Larry’ego M. Bartelsa, Democracy for realists. Why elections do not produce responsive government (Princeton University Press, 2016)
Perspektywa teorii Pierre’a Bourdieu w polskich badaniach socjologicznych
Theory of Pierre Bourdieu has already gained an undisputed status in Polish socio logy. This text is an attempt to show the diversity of ways of using the theory of Bourdieu by Polish scholars and researchers. The author...
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Państwo empiryczne. Recenzja pracy zbiorowej pod redakcją Jacka Raciborskiego, Państwo w praktyce. Style działania (Kraków: Nomos, 2017)
Głos w dyskusji nt. spuścizny Juliana Hochfelda