History of Joseph Conrad’s Literary Works Translations
Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 8
The article is devoted to the research of publications and translations of classical heritage of one of the greatest English-language novelists Joseph Conrad in Russian and Ukrainian. The actual problems connected with publications of his works are clarified. It is noticed that, despite the limited translations of Conrad’s works, which have not yet become the subject of attention of specialists, most of the artist’s works are not translated into Russian, the tendency to reissue the old translations remains in Russia. In Ukraine translation activity has revived, and highly professional translations of those works that are not yet familiar to our reader have appeared. Taking into account the integration of Ukrainian society into the European community, it is extremely important to expand the publication of novels and stories of the writer, who prepared the arrival of European and American modernism.
Authors and Affiliations
Olena Tkachuk
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