Hormonal disturbances and etiology of gynecomastia in 17–30-year-old males

Journal Title: Family Medicine & Primary Care Review - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 2


Background. Gynecomastia (GM), usually a benign enlargement of male glandular breast tissue, may evolve both physiologically at some stages of man`s life or secondarily to various disorders. Hormonal investigations can help to establish the underlying cause of GM. Objectives. The aim of the study was to assess hormonal disturbances in GM and to establish its etiology in 17–30-year-old patients. Material and methods. 17 men (mean age 21.9 ± 4.2 years), hospitalized between 2003 and 2013 were included in the study.Detailed medical examination, breast and testes ultrasound and hormonal assays for T, E2, LH , FSH , and PRL were performed. Results. In 9 (53%) patients idiopathic form of GM was diagnosed. In 1 patient GM was drug-induced. In another 3 (17%) it was a result of secondary hypogonadism caused by pituitary macroadenoma (2 pts) and puberty retardation (1). A big obesity was the cause of GM in 3 cases (17%). In the last case androgen imbalance caused by bilateral adrenalectomy propter Hippel--Lindau syndrome together with obesity were disclosed. In all patients with idiopathic GM the levels of LH , FSH , and PRL were normal. In 5 cases within this group the concentrations of estrogens were slightly elevated. Markedly decreased testosterone levels were found in patients with pituitary macroadenomas, as well as in cases of puberty retardation, big obesity, druginduced GM and in one patient with idiopathic GM. Conclusions. In this group of young men idiopathic GM was the most common and often coexisted with a variability of subtle hormonal disturbances. It may suggest that the breast glandular tissue is a very vulnerable sensor of sex hormones imbalance

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Kurowska, Joanna Malicka, Jerzy Tarach, Piotr Denew


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How To Cite

Maria Kurowska, Joanna Malicka, Jerzy Tarach, Piotr Denew (2014). Hormonal disturbances and etiology of gynecomastia in 17–30-year-old males. Family Medicine & Primary Care Review, 16(2), 117-119. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-137445