Hotel Administrator's Professional Image: Orientation to the Labour-Market

Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2008, Vol 4, Issue 4


In this article the authors are describing and analysing the professional qualities that are required in order to become a manager in the hospitality industry. Research has been done in the city of Siauliai to establish the actual competency level of the current managers in the hospitality industry. After analysing the required competency, general professional and personal qualities, the authors examine whether the current level of management meets the demands of the market. The research done has shown the general and personal qualities of the current hotel managers in the city of Siauliai. They are usually young, have 2-4 years‘ work experience in the hospitality industry, have insufficient professional education with lack of proactivity to improve it, are able to communicate in English and Russian, but have insufficient knowledge of German language. They also seem to lack knowledge and experience of IT. The current hotel manager is fairly helpful, focused on personal hygiene, but quite often lacking such personal qualities as hard working, accuracy and good organisational skills. It is noted that the level of competency is lower in lower class hotels. In summary the recommendations are to proactively seek to increase the level of qualifications, IT skills, foreign languages and also to improve the standard of Lithuanian language.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolita Vveinhardt, Kristina Kigaitė


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How To Cite

Jolita Vveinhardt, Kristina Kigaitė (2008). Hotel Administrator's Professional Image: Orientation to the Labour-Market. Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika, 4(4), 109-118.