How did the General Surgery Department of a Training Hospital Change in Ten Years?  

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 3


Aim: To investigate the changes in a training hospital’s surgical patient profile in ten years. To delineate the effects of the transfer of Social Security Institution Hospitals to the Ministry of Health on this process. Material and Method: Ten-year apart, two-year periods were selected and all elective and emergency cases were retrospectively searched. In between periods, the hospital was transferred from Social Security Institution Hospital to the Ministry of Health and then became a trauma center. The indications, techniques, the number of performed surgeries, and the patient related factors were compared. The ratio of the number emergency cases and the number of cases performed by residents in training to the total number of cases were investigated. Results: The number of elective and emergent operations during the former and the latter periods were 2668 and 2041, respectively. The percentage of the decrease was 23.5%. After ten years, the patients were younger, more commonly male, emergency cases were more common, and operations performed primarily by the residents in training were less frequent than the former period (p<0,05). Oncological surgery of stomach, colon-rectum, breast, thyroid and primary-metastaticmalign carcinoma were more frequent during former period whereas urgent operations except peptic ulcer perforation and upper gastrointestinal bleeding and benign anorectal diseases were more common during later period (p<0,05). Discussion: The comparison revealed a significant decrease in the number of operations in ten years. The number of oncological patients increased whereas the number of emergency cases declined. The changes were thought to be related more to the transition in health and becoming a trauma center than to major developments in the country and the world.  

Authors and Affiliations

Zafer Ergül, Melih Akinci, Celil Uğurlu, Oskay Kaya, Hakan Kulaçoglu, İsmet Baran


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  • EP ID EP86709
  • DOI 10.4328/JCAM.765
  • Views 135
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How To Cite

Zafer Ergül, Melih Akinci, Celil Uğurlu, Oskay Kaya, Hakan Kulaçoglu, İsmet Baran (2012). How did the General Surgery Department of a Training Hospital Change in Ten Years?  . Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 3(3), 320-324.