Human movement science – past, present and future (on example of monograph “Human Movement Science – Anthropokinesiology”)
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 22, Issue 58
In spite of the fact that numerous studies on the crucial aspects of human movements have been published until now, just a few of them may be related to the science of anthropokinesiology as a whole. From among them one monograph seems to fill this gap, referring to the above important issues globally, being aimed to signal the recent changes in human physical activity and their consequences for health, length and the quality of human life. Although in the monograph the achievements of one author prevail, he is supported by eminent co-authors, who present little known facts about the science of movement from the perspective of different countries. Important is also the statistical recording of that evolution in the world, which implies European “backwardness” or “conservatism” with reference to cautious application of innovative solutions.
Authors and Affiliations
Włodzimierz Starosta
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