Igraszki dla dzieci do lat stu, czyli „Przygody kota Murmurando” Agnieszki Kuciak
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
Play games for children under a hundred years, that is the Przygody kota Murmurando Agnieszka Kuciak The author of The Adventures of Murmurando the Cat is a literature studies specialist, a translator of Dante’s Divine Comedy and a poet. Her book for children has a reader-friendly, but the same time quite trivial and therefore untoward design. However it offers quite sophisticated literary entertainment. The aim of the article is to introduce the most important elements of this charade, which include the Agnieszka Kuciak’s book into so called doubleaddress literature. The first issue is connected with the autothematism and meta-literariness. The most interesting aspect is the editorial fiction created within the text and the ‘mouse signature’ being its result. The other issues are the linguistic games, the relation between the metaphore and the literalness, the juggling with the generic conventions (horror and detective story) and intertextuality. I will also show the connection between The Adventures of Murmurando the Cat and the works of Emily Dickinson.
Authors and Affiliations
Alicja Mazan-Mazurkiewicz
Igraszki dla dzieci do lat stu, czyli „Przygody kota Murmurando” Agnieszki Kuciak
Play games for children under a hundred years, that is the Przygody kota Murmurando Agnieszka Kuciak The author of The Adventures of Murmurando the Cat is a literature studies specialist, a translator of Dante’s Divine...
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