Immunological aspects of cytomegalovirus infection in community-acquired pneumonia among young adults
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 1
The problem of comorbidities and mutual influence due to progressive immunological suppression occupies an important place in the morbidity structure among young population. This fact is usually considered to be a result of existent immunodeficiency in the process of studying respiratory comorbidities with subsequent chances of immunological reactivities. The purpose of our research is to investigate the features of immunological reactivity changes among young patients with community-acquired pneumonia and cytomegaloviral persistence. Received data showed a high level of cytomegaloviral persistence prevalence which increases the levels of cellular and humor immunodeficiency in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Such influence on the immunity state is associated with the worse clinical course of CAP according to PORT-scale.
Authors and Affiliations
K. D. Chichirelo-Konstantynovych, L. V. Moroz, T. V. Konstantynovych, A. V. Demchuk
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