Impact of spinal injury with neurological consequences on sexual function: Sexual dysfunctions in women

Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2007, Vol 11, Issue 4


Patophysiological background of sexual dysfunctions in women after spine injury with neurological consequePatophysiological background of sexual dysfunctions in women after spine injury with neurological consequences (SINC) is a difficult object of scientific investigations and is not as accurately described as sexual impairment in men after SINC. In particular, systematic reports on pregnancy and its complications in women after SINC are lacking. Aim of the study: Presentation of backgrounds and specificity of sexual disorders, dysfunctions of partner relationships and contraception in women after SINC.Method: Literature review, authors’ clinical experience.Results and conclusions: Persons with sexual dysfunction following SINC should be subjected to psychological evaluation and specified sexual education. These specific interventions should be introduced at the appropriate time and take into account functional progress made during rehabilitation and the level of patients’ acceptance of disability. Partner’s involvement is crucial for effective psychotherapy of persons after SINC. A possibility to take the advantage of experience of other persons with a similar disorder is of particular value during the therapy. There is a positve correlation between the ability to experience sexual satisfaction and quality of social adaptation after SINC. The form, acceptance and efficiency of sexual education in persons after SINC are affected by cultural conditions.nces (SINC) is a difficult object of scientific investigations and is not as accurately described as sexual impairment in men after SINC. In particular, systematic reports on pregnancy and its complications in women after SINC are lacking. Aim of the study: Presentation of backgrounds and specificity of sexual disorders, dysfunctions of partner relationships and contraception in women after SINC.Method: Literature review, authors’ clinical experience.Results and conclusions: Persons with sexual dysfunction following SINC should be subjected to psychological evaluation and specified sexual education. These specific interventions should be introduced at the appropriate time and take into account functional progress made during rehabilitation and the level of patients’ acceptance of disability. Partner’s involvement is crucial for effective psychotherapy of persons after SINC. A possibility to take the advantage of experience of other persons with a similar disorder is of particular value during the therapy. There is a positve correlation between the ability to experience sexual satisfaction and quality of social adaptation after SINC. The form, acceptance and efficiency of sexual education in persons after SINC are affected by cultural conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Tederko, Marek Krasuski, Jerzy Kiwerski


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How To Cite

Piotr Tederko, Marek Krasuski, Jerzy Kiwerski (2007). Impact of spinal injury with neurological consequences on sexual function: Sexual dysfunctions in women. Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 11(4), 32-35.