В статье представлены результаты математического моделирования и анализа напряженно-деформированных состояний зубов нижней челюсти при І, ІІ и ІІІ степенях тяжести воспалительно-дистрофического процесса в пародонте, а та...
The article presents the analysis of clinical examination data of 76 patients with tuberculosis: 51 patients (1 group) who worked in hazardous conditions and 25 patients (2 group) who had no contact with hazardous factor...
The article presents the results of comparative study of effectiveness of usage of separation membranes from polylactic acid (PLA) and collagen in carrying out targeted regeneration of bone tissue in 22 patients with per...
Vacuum Therapy (Vacuum-assisted closure, VAC) - a method of complex therapy which is used to improve the healing of both acute chronic wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. Due to widespread introduction of thi...
Математичне моделювання напружно-деформованих станів зубів нижньої щелепи при використанні комбінованої знімної шини-протеза
В статье представлены результаты математического моделирования и анализа напряженно-деформированных состояний зубов нижней челюсти при І, ІІ и ІІІ степенях тяжести воспалительно-дистрофического процесса в пародонте, а та...
The criteria of diagnostic of pulmonary tuberculosis activity in patients working in hazardous working conditions
The article presents the analysis of clinical examination data of 76 patients with tuberculosis: 51 patients (1 group) who worked in hazardous conditions and 25 patients (2 group) who had no contact with hazardous factor...
Comparative effectiveness of using resorbable membranes of polylactic acid and collagen in regeneration of bone defects in patients with periimplantitis
The article presents the results of comparative study of effectiveness of usage of separation membranes from polylactic acid (PLA) and collagen in carrying out targeted regeneration of bone tissue in 22 patients with per...
Члену-кореспонденту НАН та НАМН України Л.В. Усенко – 80 років
Reparation effects of vacuum wound therapy in patients with diabetic foot syndrome
Vacuum Therapy (Vacuum-assisted closure, VAC) - a method of complex therapy which is used to improve the healing of both acute chronic wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome. Due to widespread introduction of thi...