In the interest of society Social pedagogy in the times of nationalism
Journal Title: Pedagogika Społeczna - Year 2018, Vol 70, Issue 4
Many of the current representations of social pedagogy find common ground in the expressed concern for „what is social”, „what is public”; for society. This concern takes the form of cultivating democratic thought in the conditions of an ongoing crisis of values, strengthening the principles of democracy. These conditions are conducive to the development of various types of conservatism, including the intensification of socially controversial forms in which contemporary nationalism manifests itself. We have composed a statement about these issues in three perspectives: socially responsible pedagogy (Agnieszka Naumiuk); public pedagogy (Bohdan Skzypczak) and the pedagogy of the common place (Maria Mendel). We suggested these perspectives with the intention of using them as one of the many ways, currently emerging in the field of social pedagogy, of perceiving and changing the world in which we live, which cannot be described today without numerous references to the popular forms of nationalism.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Mendel, Agnieszka Naumiuk, Bohdan Skrzypczak
Organizacje pozarządowe
Organizacje pozarządowe
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