Individual approach in the preparation of athletes in martial arts
Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 2
The purpose of the work is to analyze literary data and to determine the methodological foundations on the individualization of technical and tactical ways of conducting a match of qualified taekwondists taking into account typological characteristics. Mattress and methods. The study was attended by 42 athlete-taekwondist weighing between 60 and 81 kg (14 masters of sports, 28 masters of sports), among them - 22 athletes of the experimental group and 20 athletes of the control group. Methods and organization of research. For the analysis of autonomic regulation of cardiac activity, one of the methods of mathematical analysis of the variability of the cardiac rhythm - the variational pulsometer was used. Signal recording was carried out on a portable cardiograph device called "Cardiolab +". There was also a monitor for continuous heart rate monitoring of the Polar model with the corresponding software. The recording took place for 5 minutes in a lying position after a 5-minute break. Results The data of literature concerning the individual technical and tactical training of skilled taekwondists is systematized and the system of individualization of technical and tactical training in Taekwondo has been developed. The basic provisions of individualization of technical and tactical training of qualified taekwondists are singled out. The system of individualization of the training of taekwondists, similar to the three aspects of the system approach, as well as the system of individualization in sports games, consists of three directions: the definition of the individual factor structure of athletes' preparedness, the determination of the regularities of the individual dynamics of the functional state; development of interactive technologies for improving the individualization of the training process. Conclusion. The obtained results testify to the effectiveness of the developed methodology of preparation of high-class taekwondens according to their individual tactical manners of combat, revealed using methods of mathematical modeling, factor and cluster analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
Zh. L. Kozina, V. Kot, G. A. Ogar
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