Influence of teaching practice in the development... of professional readiness of future early-childhood education teachers


The content of the article is related to the debate about the role of teaching practice in the training of candidates for teachers of early-childhood education. The period of vocational training and equipping the future teacher with required professional qualifications plays an important role in the way of perceiving the profession and pursuing the occupation of early-education teacher. Theory and practice in training early education teachers should be interrelated. Thanks to teaching practice it is possible to draw attention to the wisdom and utility acquired in the study of knowledge.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Szkolak


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How To Cite

Anna Szkolak (2015). Influence of teaching practice in the development... of professional readiness of future early-childhood education teachers. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Biologiae Pertinentia., 0(), 87-95.