Інформація як економічний ресурс та її вплив на успішність бізнесу в рамках реального сектору економіки України


У статті розглянуто основні теоретичні постулати сприйняття інформації як ресурсу, проаналізовано можливі напрямки використання інформаційних продуктів для розширення мережі збуту товарів, досліджено специфіку ведення реального бізнесу в Україні в контексті використання переваг інформаційних технологій. The article highlights information resource as one of the main factor that determines the success of economic subjects in conditions of instability. This study is important in terms of the transformation of the knowledge economy to be the basic element that affects the competitiveness of firms. The basic theoretical postulates of information dissemination and acceptance and basic definitions relating to information circulation are reviewed in the article. Information is considered as a means of reducing uncertainty and risk, which facilitates implementation of objectives defined by subjects. Information culture of economic agents is identified as one of the main objectives of the study of economics and information resources’ interaction. It includes ownership and skills to assess the quality of information, its accuracy, applicability, modernity, relevance, completeness, influence, and those skills are extremely important when making decisions. The possible uses of information flows for expanding of sales are analyzed in the article, because information tools which previously were used as a means of communication, are currently used as a full-fledged advertising materials. However advertising is not the only way to develop business for enterprises. Corporate social network created on the basis of a corporate information system is an innovative tool for business development and competitiveness increase. This issue is especially important for companies whose branches are located in different cities or countries. The article argues that the creation of a common information space is an objective necessity to ensure a favorable environment for business, because the objective knowledge, which is stored in information data banks, can be a factor of the progressive social and economic quality changes only when they find the interested consumer. The disadvantages of rapid informatization for business are shown in the article, the specifics of the real business in Ukraine in the context of taking advantage of information technology are studied, and the results are compared with other countries. A result of research found that information culture education and the ability to filter out the valuable information and distinguish between competent donors of information are prerequisites for the correct perception of information and its positive impact on economic decisions. In addition, the practice of foreign countries shows that intensive introduction of information technology helps to solve marketing problems and HR problems for business and facilitates the relationship with government.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Kuzmuk


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How To Cite

S. Kuzmuk (2017). Інформація як економічний ресурс та її вплив на успішність бізнесу в рамках реального сектору економіки України. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(13), 32-37. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-427265