Informatyzacja logistyki w automatyzacji procesu dowodzenia wojskami.
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 4
The logistic system optimization results from the need of complex regulation of problems aroused after transformations carried out in the Polish Armed Forces’ logistics, as well as adjusting its structures to tasks, commitments and conducted planned organizational and functional changes. The aim of the article is to present the changes undergoing in the process of troops’ logistic service support, mainly through creating modern IT systems that would provide up-to-date data about a logistic situation in accordance with the needs of the troops on all organizational levels. Undoubtedly, a crucial factor necessitating the introduction of changes and the adaptation of the Polish Armed Forces’ logistic system is Poland’s membership in NATO and the European Union. This causes the need to undertake constant activities aiming at a complex integration of the Polish Armed Forces’ logistic system with NATO military structures, particularly with its IT systems, procedures in or¬der to achieve a necessary level of standardization and unification. A general aim of this process is to increase the effectiveness of military forces and availability to use Member States’ defence resources.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Nyszk
System logistyczny Sił Zbrojnych RP wobec wymagań XXI wieku
The optimization of logistic system results from the need of complex regulation ofproblems stemming from transformations carried out in the Polish Armed Forces ' logistics and also from adjusting its structures to tasks,...
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