Innovativeness of companies in Poland and other European countries


The objective of this paper was the analysis of the statistical data related to innovativeness of entrepreneurs from Poland and other European countries. The data from the GUS and the Eurostat have been used in the paper. The analysis showed that more centres of innovativeness are being established in the territory of Poland and these are more and more specialised units. Polish entrepreneurs rather unwillingly undertake cooperation in the scope of innovative activities with other units. It was also noticed that expenditures for innovative activities in companies and the number of innovations made are on the increase. Major regional differentiation has also been noticed. The Masovia and Silesia areas have the dominant role in innovative activities. The leaders in introducing innovations among European countries are entrepreneurs from Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France and Spain.

Authors and Affiliations

Marlena Piekut


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How To Cite

Marlena Piekut (2011). Innovativeness of companies in Poland and other European countries. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 19(2), 87-97.