Instytucja Prezydenta RP według Jarosława Kaczyńskiego i w projektach konstytucji Prawa i Sprawiedliwości
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2016, Vol 135, Issue 4
From the Jarosław Kaczyński’s address to the constitutional convention of the Law and Justice (PiS) party, and from the constitutional proposals put forward by PIS, it is clear that they are not in any way intended to rationalize the current model of governance, nor to specify what would be the role of the President of the Republic of Poland in shaping the foreign and defense policy of the State, but are aimed at general strengthening of President’s position among State authorities. But is it possible without a transition to the presidential system? The authors of the proposal seem to think so. According to them, a remedy for the problems with Polish political system would be a shift towards a semi-presidential regime, without establishing a government’s formal political responsibility before the president, but with the granting of his/her new powers, making the President of the Republic the pivot of the new system of government. However, this is the wrong way of thinking, as the author attempts to prove.
Authors and Affiliations
Lech Mażewski
Problemy zmiany konstytucji, red. Ryszard Chruściak
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