Integrated Reporting of Company: Economic Essence of the Concept
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Національної академії статистики, обліку та аудиту - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 4
Companies disclose business information to the stakeholders in their reporting, to increasing their social responsibility. This requires an accounting system that would issue the data necessary to form an integrated reporting of a company, consisting of both financial and non-financial indicators. The system’s quality depends on understanding key concepts, which raises the importance of studies on economic essence of the concept of “integrated reporting” in at company level. The aim of this study is to determine the economic substance and sum up existing interpretations of the concept of “integrated reporting” at company level. The publication activity of scientists on interpretation of the economic essence of integrated reporting is studied by the sample of 61 reference sources published in 2011–2016. It shows that while in 2011 the publication activity was very low with only one interpretation, it was growing from 2011 to 2016, being record high in 2015 with 29.51% of the total sample of reference sources. The analysis of methodological approaches to interpretation of the economic essence of integrated reporting shows that according to the largest part of economists (36.67% of reference sources in the sample) it is the reporting that combines financial and non-financial indicators in the single format. The author’s definition of the economic essence of integrated reporting is proposed from the review and summing up of interpretations found in the sample of reference sources: integrated reporting is the reporting which includes financial indicators that are part of financial statements, financial performance estimates that are not part of financial statements, and non-financial indicators provided at the request of the accounting unit by other company units.
Authors and Affiliations
K. V. Bezverkhiy
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