Interdisciplinary surgical and orthodontic treatment of odontogenic keratocyst of the mandibular body in a 12-year-old female patient, with relapse after 7 years of observation - case report

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2018, Vol 71, Issue 3


Odontogenic keratocyst, until recently known as keratocystic odontogenic tumor, is a developmental, odontogenic cyst originating from a dental follicle. It is characterized by aggressive and quite fast growth and a high tendency to recurrence (about 62% of cases). The following article presents a full description of the course of interdisciplinary surgical-orthodontic treatment of a patient who, at the age of 12, was diagnosed with a large keratocyst of the medial region of the mandible, including unerupted teeth: 43, 44, 45. In addition, partial retention of teeth 23 and 35 was found. Surgical treatment was performed using a two-stage method with a 7-year follow-up period during which impacted tooth 43 was removed, and teeth 24 and 36 also were removed. During the orthodontic treatment the acrylic plug was placed in the fenestration area, further orthodontically assisted eruption of the dislocated by the cyst teeth 44 and 45 with the use of a removable orthodontic appliance and, subsequently, the alignment of the upper and lower teeth with fixed appliances. After finished orthodontic treatment, 7 years after the cyst enucleation, radiological examination was performed, which revealed a circular lesion in the projection of the roots of the lower teeth with a diameter of about 8 mm, suggesting the presence of cyst relapse. The lesion was enucleated, the result of the histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Jadwiga Stypułkowska, Wojciech Stós, Bartłomiej Loster, Monika Parchańska-Kowalik, Maciej Rączkiewicz


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Jadwiga Stypułkowska, Wojciech Stós, Bartłomiej Loster, Monika Parchańska-Kowalik, Maciej Rączkiewicz (2018). Interdisciplinary surgical and orthodontic treatment of odontogenic keratocyst of the mandibular body in a 12-year-old female patient, with relapse after 7 years of observation - case report. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 71(3), -.