Intermedia creative workshop “Mixmedia spaces,” that is developing imagination through imagination

Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 7


The paper presents three experiments where metaphorical thinking, visualisation and visual art expression were important. A characteristic feature of the first experiment was the use of thinking by means of analogy and metaphorical thinking with verbal and visual expressions. In the second experiment related to creative imagination visual metaphor was dominant. The third experiment was an intermedia creative workshop, in which multimodal metaphors and a play following a specific plot were significant features. Combining physical, virtual and mental spaces as well as moving participants between mixed extended real and virtual spaces were also key factors. The intermedia creative workshop was organised by students of art education in two stages. In the first stage they designed the workshop while in the second stage the workshop was run among early school-age children. <br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Wieslawa Limont


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How To Cite

Wieslawa Limont (2018). Intermedia creative workshop “Mixmedia spaces,” that is developing imagination through imagination . Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne, 2(7), -.