Internacjonalizacja jako źródło legitymizacji reform szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce (2007–2012)

Journal Title: Przegląd Socjologiczny - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3


This paper elaborates on the higher education (HE) reforms in Poland undertaken between 2007– –2012 (The reforms of Kudrycka). In doing so it attempts to address the question: What has been the impact of the internationalization of HE on the dynamics and directions of the reforming agenda? The paper alludes to Urlich Teichler’s concept of de-nationalization, which highlights the growing importance of transnational processes in setting domestic policy agendas in HE in modern nation states. The analysis is focused on Poland, which represents the more general case of a country that: (a) is dynamically developing in political and economic terms; (b) is opening up to transnational processes; but also (c) provides an example of a country that for years – due to lack of resources and political authority – failed to undertake serious political steps to reform higher education. The analysis claims that internationalization has been one of the most important impulses to not only implement major changes in Polish higher education, but also has been a vital source of the legitimacy of initiatives highly unpopular among Polish academics.

Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Antonowicz


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How To Cite

Dominik Antonowicz (2016). Internacjonalizacja jako źródło legitymizacji reform szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce (2007–2012). Przegląd Socjologiczny, 0(3), 131-155.