Internet Without Barriers – Accessibility and Usability vs the Needs of the Disabled

Journal Title: Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania - Year 2012, Vol 0, Issue 3


Internet without barriers – that is such as constitutes a communication space regardless of gender, age, culture or the degree of disability. In order to be able to use the Internet in this case, one needs not only an internet connection (whose installation is performed by the suitable company) but also a computer adapted to the needs of the disabled person and some basic good will of the authors of internet services – in order to adjust the displayed information content to the needs of the disabled. The article presents some information about the accessibility and usability of the internet pages directed to the disabled user – especially to the people with disfunctions of sight and hearing organs. Keeping in mind our acting against “digital exclusion”, the subject is important both to the disabled people and to the companies which, via their actions in the Internet, would like to be more open to the problems of exclusions.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Dejnaka


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Dejnaka (2012). Internet Without Barriers – Accessibility and Usability vs the Needs of the Disabled. Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania, 0(3), 37-51.