Interpretatywny charakter wiedzy w świetle filozofii Nietzschego


The article concerns the issue of interpretative nature of knowledge. According to Nietzsche, classical theory of truth is not adequate. Traditional epistemological concepts leads to creating universal theory, which hardly refers to complicated, dynamic, multifaceted and constantly changing reality. Therefore each attempt of achieving one universal philosophical system shall be unsuccessful. If we considered that all facts are interpretations only, as Nietzsche suggests, we would abandon thinking of universal, constant categories and focus on practical aspects of life. Human knowledge is always perspective and refers only to a few aspects of reality. Interpretation is an infinite process, which should be performed constantly, although it will never be completed. The article shows the influence of people's relationship (e.g. friendship, teacher-student relation, enemy) in achieving their self-knowledge.

Authors and Affiliations

Celina Skalska


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How To Cite

Celina Skalska (2010). Interpretatywny charakter wiedzy w świetle filozofii Nietzschego. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 35(2), 85-100.