Introduction of the compensatory method of gas sample control in universal systems of ecological diagnostics of diesel engines – microtunnels
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія" - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 17
Purpose. The development, implementation and confirmation of the practical suitability of the compensatory method for monitoring a gas sample in microtunnels, which is significantly less expensive than the known analogs, in particular the differential method used in the AVL SPC 472 measuring system. Methods. Analysis and synthesis of information on methods for controlling gas samples, regression analysis in the construction of calibration dependences, experimental studies of the method under study, a calculated experiment in evaluating the accuracy of determining the dilution factor of a sample. Results. Measures have been developed to introduce an inexpensive compensatory method for controlling gas samples in universal systems for the ecological diagnosis of diesel engines – microtunnels: the method of calibrating the flowmeters of this method - standard narrowing devices, the method of indirect measurement of the mass flow rate of the sample in a microtunnel, the algorithm for regulating the flow rate of the sampled sample. Conclusions. Theoretically justified, the expediency of using the compensation method of sample control, which is 5 ... 8 times cheaper than the known analogue - the differential method used in the microtunnel AVL SPC 472. It has been experimentally confirmed that, when implementing the compensation test method, inexpensive flow meters - standard tapering devices with a precision class of 1.5 provide the required accuracy of measurements of the dilution factor of exhaust gases by air with an error not exceeding the permissible value of ± 4% and can be used in universal ecological diagnostic systems diesels - microtonules.
Authors and Affiliations
A. P. Polivyanchuk, O. I. Kaslin, M. F. Smirny, O. P. Strokov, O. O. Skuridina
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