Investments as a determinant of the development of enterprises

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 3


Taken in the article the issue concerns the importance of investment in the development of companies in the furniture industry. In the introduction to the report, in a synthetic way, presented the purpose and methodology of the study. Then prepared the characteristics of the furniture sector in Poland, taking into account its history, determinants and current state of development. It also stressed the very good export performance of Polish furniture producers for 2013. Also mentioned the promotional activities of the sector within the system project „Promotion of Polish economy on international markets” and the nationwide campaign socio-educational „Proud of the Polish furniture.” Surveys have provided valuable knowledge on: – reasons for the lack of strategy / investment plans in enterprises, – the benefits of strategic planning, – areas for investment entities – sources of investment financing, – used by firms capital budgeting techniques and risk identification, – barriers and investment plans, – the benefits arising from the implementation of development projects.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Rosłon, Daniel Ciupiński


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How To Cite

Jolanta Rosłon, Daniel Ciupiński (2014). Investments as a determinant of the development of enterprises. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 12(3), 183-194.