Journal Title: Szkoła Specjalna - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 3
The phenomenon of social distance (a symbolic distance) between people is the focus of attention in many sciences. For example, sociology, social psychology, the social psychology of stigma, ethnology, and ethology deal with this issue. Studies point to the universality and conditionality of social distance. The universality of social distance results from the fact that a (physical or psychological) space of a given size is an extension of the human being and it reflects the features of the life situation and views of the person with a distance of a given ize. The conditionality of social distance refers to the fact that it depends on a number of factors. They belong to two main groups: the observer’s characteristics and the phenomena that are external to the observer, such as the characteristics of the target of his or her distance and the features of society as a system. There are social groups towards which even symbolic distance reaches considerable dimensions. Their members are people with characteristics that are judged negatively (health problems, low social status or life on the border between two worlds). Social distance towards these people can be studied with the use of various techniques. Bogardus procedures – i.e. creating a stimulative situation that requires a respondent’s reaction (e.g. in a questionnaire) – are one of them. Sociometry is another strategy and analysis of the life situation of people with disabilities and of sources that concern them is another one. To eliminate or reduce social distance, system actions are required that would consist not only in creating organizational frameworks for joint schooling but also in designing programs promoting an atmosphere of mutually beneficial cooperation. Social psychology experiences such as indirect contact procedures and entering the situation of a person with disability might be useful.
Authors and Affiliations
Humanizacja wychowania jako utopia (w społeczno-pedagogicznej antyutopii Janusza Korczaka)
W tekście artykułu autor, interpretując powieść J. Korczaka król Maciuś Pierwszym, rozważa możliwości humanizacji edukacji, analizuje wieczne sprzeczności między doro- słymi i dziećmi, sens i swoisty dramat zawodu pedag...
spis treści
spis treści<br/><br/>
O tolerancji – refleksje pedagoga specjalnego
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