Is methodical estimation of efficiency of motivation of labour and satisfaction of necessities of workers of agro enterprises


A value over of the system of motivation of labour of workers of agro enterprises. is brought. The problems of unemployment of capable of working population, strengthening of differentiation of remuneration of labour are outlined between the different categories of workers, loss of them qualifying level, reduction of gross incomes of busy in an agrarian production. Lag of increase of remuneration of labour of workers of agrarian enterprises, and also limit nature of implementation of facilities of motivation, is well–proven from other industries of national economy and agrarian industry of the developed countries of the world. Influence of level of motivation of workers is well–proven, them productive deposit of labour, together with the scientific and technical level of production that determines basic property of productive process – capacity of worker, on efficiency of agrarian enterprises and end–point of production. The factor of workers is considered as a display of totality of internalss of personalities that influence on their labour activity. The methods of estimation of motivation of labour of workers of agrarian enterprises and level of satisfaction of their necessities are exposed. On the basis of undertaken studies it is well–proven that most expedient is application of methodology that is based on determination of list of factors(material, organizational, socialpsychological character) and application of the generalized integral index, that allows in good time to inform guidance of general level of satisfaction labour of workers.

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How To Cite

M. DEMIDOVA (2017). Is methodical estimation of efficiency of motivation of labour and satisfaction of necessities of workers of agro enterprises. Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць, 7(7), 101-106.