Ісламізми-загальні назви в українських перекладах Корану
Journal Title: Komunikacja i Konteksty - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
The article is devoted to analyzing common nouns semantically connected with Islam, which appear in five Ukrainian translations of the Quran. Those words will be divided into names that show attitude towards God and religion, names connected Muslim rites and religious traditions, names of mythological creatures, names of parts of the Quran, names of temples, religious buildings and their parts, other names. Common nouns of Islamic origin present in the Ukrainian translations of the Quran have a significant degree of adaptation to Ukrainian, were formed with its phonetic and grammatical means, acquired morphological form characteristic of this language, participated partly in its word formation processes, and appear in dictionaries along with Ukrainian lexis (apart from certain words). Some of the words of Islamic origin appearing in Ukrainian translations of the holy tekst of Islam and lexicographical works have semantics different from the Islamic one. This means that such words can be sometimes recognized only thanks to context in which they appear.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliia Danyliuk
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