Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 18
У статті зроблена спроба проаналізувати біокультурний принцип людської природи у контексті біокультурної антропології історії науки і техніки. З’ясовано, що історія науки і техніки рівною мірою стосується людства і світу природи. Запропоновано твердження, що історіософія техніки передбачає осмислення техніки як продукту людської цивілізації у всесвітньо-історичному масштабі. Запропонована дефініція про історію науки і техніки як міждисциплінарну галузь, що вивчає створення, розвиток і наслідки розвитку науки і техніки в культурних, історичних і соціальних контекстах. This article attempts to analyze the biocultural principle of human nature in the context of biocultural anthropology history of science and technology. Found that the history of science and technology applies equally to the humanity and the natural world. Science began with the generally accepted interpretation of the world around us, which later became more refined and only in the last century separated from other studies of specialization. Technical knowledge is reflected in the art, which are both the result of, the means and the object subject practical activities. The proposed assertion that the historical philosophy of technology involves the understanding of art as a product of human civilization in the world-wide scale; the question of how the theoretical model, laws of universal nature, methods, ideas, accumulated science, the incorporation of technology as a special subject of study. With the help of technical systems, man acts on material objects. However, the patterns of technological development cannot be reduced to socio-economic patterns. The starting point in the study of the logic of the development of technology supports the analysis of the interaction with the person. At work, technique occupies an intermediate position between man and nature as object of labor. Researchers who proceed from any one side, or fall in an idealistic interpretation of the technology – as a product of purely human ideas, or in musicienne its interpretation – as a means of labour themselves. This is an extreme idea of the technique, therefore, inadmissible because the understanding of the human technique is the product of a fusion of ideas and matter The internal logic of technological development due to the relationship of technology with nature and man. It is argued that history of science cannot be defined without referring to its recent past. The proposed definition of the history of science and technology as an interdisciplinary field that examines the creation, development and consequences of the development of science and technology in their cultural, historical and social contexts
Authors and Affiliations
Halyna Salata
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