Jezus interpretator pism (Łk 4,16-18 i 24)
Journal Title: Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie - Year 2010, Vol 0, Issue 15
In Gospel according to St. of Luke Jesus often appears in the part of the commentator of the Holy Scripture. My article analyses pericops in which Jesus appears in this part and the manner into which He interprets the Old Testament. There are seven of their and they belong to them: 4,16-31; 10, 25-37; 19,45-46; 20, 27-40; 20,41-44; 22, 66-70 and 24, 13-48. In all discussed fragments of Lc happens again the regularity: Jesus reveals the true sense of prophet predictions and orders of the Old Testament. On the special attention I deserve two fragments: 4,16-31 and 24, 13-48. They determine the buckle coupling whole Evangel and resume the aim of the teaching of Jesus. Show also the basic problem which wants to resolve Jesus - the spiritual blindness. The study of all pericops makes for following conclusions: 1. Jesus is an one and only interpreter of Writings OT. 2. Without Jesus one cannot understand the proclamation and promises of Bible. 3. Jesus deepens the understanding OT, transcending his customary and often nationalist understanding. 4. The centre of the Script is Christ, because in Him fulfil all God promises. 5. The gift of the understanding of the Script Jesus charged to the community of his own disciples - to the Church.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Stroynowski
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