К истории восточнославянских библейских переводов c древнееврейских оригиналов конца XV века / Kilka uwag na temat historii wschodniosłowiańskich tłumaczeń biblijnych z oryginałów hebrajskich z końca XV wieku
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The article deals with the study of the cultural heritage of the Jewish-Kenanites who lived in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and were in contact with the Slavic population. The most important form of those connections was through language. As a result, the Jewish diaspora used the local dialects ranging from high literary language (Church Slavonic) to the language of everyday communication (prosta(ja) mova). Biblical translations from Hebrew were made in these languages and were used in synagogue worship. The practice of editing and distribution of these texts made inter-confessional contacts possible, as evidenced by the history of the translation of the Book of Daniel from the Vilnius Old Testament Florilegium (F 19–262).
Authors and Affiliations
Алла А. Кожинова, Елена Суркова
Język Hajnówki jako element stylizacji w powieści kryminalnej Okularnik Katarzyny Bondy
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