К вопросy о семантикo-синтаксической функции наречий в русском и польском языкax : (на материалe поэмы В. Ерофеевa "Москва-Петушки" и еe польского переводa)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2000, Vol 1, Issue 0
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Sitarski
"Acta Albaruthenica", T.4: "Materiały Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej "Droga ku wzajemności". IX edycja, Białowieża, 5-7 października 2001 r. X edycja, Hajnówka-Białowieża 21-23 czerwca 2002 r., pod red. A. Barszczewskiego i M. Sajewicza, Mińsk 2003
Уход Льва Толстого (1910) в оценке русской и польской прессы
The paper discusses reactions of Russian and Polish (first of all - Warsaw) press to the famous Leo Tolstoy’s escape from Yasnaya Polyana in 1910. A comparison between publications shows that Polish newspapers wrote rela...
Беларускaя культурна-aсьветніцкая дзейнасьць у Польшчы на старонкаx часопіса "Бацькаўшчына"
Сравнительные конструкции с белый и черный в русском языке (в сопоставлении с польским biały и czarny)
The material to this article is based on the newest comparative dictionaries of Russian and Polish languages and also on other dictionaries, mostly explanatory dictionaries. Coloristic compa- rative constructions present...
Apollona Korinfskiego wiersze wojenne o Polsce
Almost totally forgotten these days Russian poet Apollon Korinfsky (1868-1973) had published main collections of his poems in early XXth century (In the Beams o f a Dream, Under the Burden o f the Cross, Late Flames). He...