İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Gökhan Sargın, Aslı Demirbulat
To the Editor, Although many studies have examined the prognostic factors of childhood ALL, a limited number have investigated the correlation between the season and/or month in which ALL is diagnosed and its prog...
İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Gökhan Sargın, Aslı Demirbulat (2013). Karbamazepin ve Hematolojik Maligniteler. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 30(4), 424-426.
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Otoimmun Hemolitik Anemili Bir Hastada Splenik İnfarkt
Internuclear Bridging of Erythroid Precursors in the Peripheral Blood Smear of a Patient with Primary Myelofibrosis
A Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis, Sideroblastic Anemia (MLASA) Case Due to a Novel PUS1 Mutation
The Relationship Between Seasonal Variation in the Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and its Prognosis in Children
To the Editor, Although many studies have examined the prognostic factors of childhood ALL, a limited number have investigated the correlation between the season and/or month in which ALL is diagnosed and its prog...
Şiddetli Kardiyak Allogreft Rejeksiyonu Olan Bir Hastada Ekstrakorporeal Fotoferez Sonrası Quilty Etkisi