Karl Dedecius (1921-2016), the most famous and fruitful translator of Polish literature
into German, was born in Lodz, Poland, in a German family but grew up in contact
with the other numerous inhabitants of the city, Po...
In the history of philosophical thought, translators are rarely in the forefront of interest.
Their activity not only becomes omitted in the historical narratives, but is also seen
as a passive transmission from one lang...
O współczesnym przekładzie, roli tłumacza i intertekstualności
Paul Celan: Poezja i przekład na spotkaniu z Ryszardem Krynickim
Zwischen den Welten. Die polnisch-jüdischen Autoren in den Übertragungen von Karl Dedecius
Karl Dedecius (1921-2016), the most famous and fruitful translator of Polish literature into German, was born in Lodz, Poland, in a German family but grew up in contact with the other numerous inhabitants of the city, Po...
Adolf Dygasiński als Übersetzer: Pädagogische Biographie zwischen Wissenschaft und Literatur
In the history of philosophical thought, translators are rarely in the forefront of interest. Their activity not only becomes omitted in the historical narratives, but is also seen as a passive transmission from one lang...
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