Identity and human personality in the time of postmodern have a new meaning. It is a new consumer product. This thesis shows an essential view of identity as a brand, its multidimensionality and isolate patterns that cre...
The article raises the problem of aesthetic role of construction in the architectural object. The building’s structure can fulfill its task not only as a technical element – bearing particular load – but it can also be a...
The aim of this paper is to present and interpret the issues connected with Crowleyan perspective on the death motif, which is strictly correlated with the Thelemic genealogy of the mankind. It is also connected with the...
The article is an attempt to show different connections between modern science in 17th century and esthetics of Baroque. Culture progress had been connected with breaking the Renaissance rules of art – clarity and harmon...
Performance is an occurrence commonly associated with theater, but that concept has a very broad context. Nowadays there are a lot of phenomena we can perceive this way, not just theatrical or quasi-theatrical. If we ass...
Tożsamość i osobowość człowieka w kulturze konsumpcyjnej. Perspektywa baumanowska
Identity and human personality in the time of postmodern have a new meaning. It is a new consumer product. This thesis shows an essential view of identity as a brand, its multidimensionality and isolate patterns that cre...
Nie tylko technika – ekspresja konstrukcji jako estetyczny walor dzieła architektonicznego
The article raises the problem of aesthetic role of construction in the architectural object. The building’s structure can fulfill its task not only as a technical element – bearing particular load – but it can also be a...
Problematyka śmierci w ujęciu Aleistera Crowley
The aim of this paper is to present and interpret the issues connected with Crowleyan perspective on the death motif, which is strictly correlated with the Thelemic genealogy of the mankind. It is also connected with the...
Wojciech Tylkowski wśród monstrów − barokowa scientia curiosa wobec estetyki epoki
The article is an attempt to show different connections between modern science in 17th century and esthetics of Baroque. Culture progress had been connected with breaking the Renaissance rules of art – clarity and harmon...
„Performuj albo giń”. Przystanek Woodstock jako performans kulturowy
Performance is an occurrence commonly associated with theater, but that concept has a very broad context. Nowadays there are a lot of phenomena we can perceive this way, not just theatrical or quasi-theatrical. If we ass...